Internetpräsentation Studierendenwerk Trier, Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR)

Grant for Parents


The Grant for Parents is awarded to students who are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the increased financial requirements placed on them by having a child/children aged 10 or under.
The aim of awarding this grant is to allow eligible candidates to continue and finish their studies in the proper way.

One of the parents must be a student in order to be eligible for the Grant for Parents. At the time of application, the income of both parents must not exceed 1.5 times the consolidated standard benefits set out in SBG II (German Social Security Code).

The Grant for Parents will only be granted to an applicant once per semester and as a rule no more than four times over the course of the applicant's studies.

The amount is EUR 600 and is paid as a lump sum.

Where the standard period of study is exceeded by more than one year, a Leistungsnachweis (performance record) must be provided.